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About Us

At VR Visions, we envision the future. Our up and coming business, situated in Melbourne, is thriving to enhance this technological world that we live in. We live in a technologically advanced time where virtual reality is becoming the forefront of entertainment and education. Through the use of virtual reality, you are able to enter a fully immersed experience where you are able to feel as though you are physically present in a simulated experience.

Imagine being fully immersed in a game where you are the main character, you feel as though you yourself are stepping into the game in a simulated experience that heightens your experience whilst gaming.

Imagine being able to experience "real-life" situations in learning and education. The future of VR enables people all around the world to collaborate and attend virtual events, feeling as though they are with their peers in person. This future also creates a simulated learning experience for professionals to enter training sessions where they are able to have a realistic experience to optimise learning.

VR Visions thrives to create opportunities for everyone in our community with our extensive range of VR products.